The Aspinall Foundation


Global Species Action Plan

A new website has recently been developed with tools and resources to assist governments and other stakeholders in the fight to protect endangered species and their habitats. In this blog post, we provide a few details about what it is and why it is...

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CAZ West Project Update Feb 2024

It has been a busy time during the first few months of our latest project in CAZ West, made possible with the support of The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund. The focus of this multi-year project is to build resilience in the local communities to...

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A New Project in Maevatanana/Ambato-Boeni, Madagascar

In common with many rural areas in Madagascar the local communities in the Maevatanana/Ambato-Boeni project area are highly dependent on natural resources for both food and income. In wetland areas this includes fishing. However, the range and...

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Djongo & Mayombe - an epic love story

Deep in the Gabonese jungle, an island romance has captured the hearts of everyone at The Aspinall Foundation. A tale of two souls born in captivity and forming the bonds of companionship and family in the freedom of their ancestral homelands. An...

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Love in the Jungle

As Shakespeare once said "the course of true love never did run smooth" and nowhere is that more true than in the animal kingdom. Over the years, our teams have witnessed many soap-opera-worthy moments among the rewilded animals at our conservation...

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Raising Awareness of Conservation in Lésio-Louna Reserve

Raising awareness of conservation issues with the communities surrounding the Lésio-Louna reserve has been an important aspect of our two-year project supported by IUCN Save Our Species although it has proven difficult to arrange large scale...

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One Year Anniversary of our Big Cat Project in Lesio-Louna Reserve

Our large carnivore project in the Lésio-Louna Reserve, Republic of Congo, has already reached its one year anniversary.

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Restoring Wildlife Across The Globe

Can wildlife populations be restored? Apparently so, and often are, according to a new book freely available online.

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Six Month Update on Our Project to Release Javan Gibbons at Mt Tilu NR

It is now several months since we began our current two-year project supported by IUCN Save our Species to release rehabilitated Javan gibbons at Mt Tilu Nature Reserve. This project follows an existing programme at the project site which had...

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Giant leap for conservation in Madagascar

Thanks to the hard work of our dedicated team in Madagascar six new community-managed conservation sites have been created. Including our existing site established in 2012, these seven sites cover an enormous 37,363 hectares (roughly 10% of the...

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