The Aspinall Foundation


Community Ranger Training Programme in Java Continues

Thanks to the support of Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong (OPCFHK) the training programme for Community Rangers in Mt. Tilu Nature Reserve is progressing well.

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Community Rangers in Java Put Training into Practice

Our team in Indonesia have created an amazing training schedule for the Community Ranger programme in Java. Twelve modules that include both classroom-style learning and practical follow-up sessions in the field cover a diverse range of topics.

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New Training Programme for Community Rangers Fighting Wildlife Crime in Java

Involving local communities in protecting wildlife and the vulnerable habitats on which they depend is an essential aspect of much of our work.

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Thank You to IUCN Save Our Species

From August 2020 until the end of December 2022, our Mt Tilu Javan Gibbon reintroduction project has received the welcome support of IUCN Save Our Species. A life of freedom for Goku, a released female gibbon at Mt Tilu NR © The Aspinall Foundation ...

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Rewilding Primates in Need in Java

There are two main aspects to our work in this region: rewilding primates from our partner parks and saving them on the ground, often from the horrific illegal pet trade.

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Working to Save Javan Gibbons

Over the past few months, our Aspinall Indonesia team have been very busy across all the activities that form our Javan gibbon rehabilitation and release programme.

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Conservation Education & Future Generations

Conservation Education enables people of all ages to learn about the natural world. It also provides the opportunity for people to appreciate their own country's natural resources and how to conserve them for the future. The Aspinall Indonesia team...

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Our Two Year Anniversary - Java

Femi (July 2022), released at Mt Tilu on 5th June 2021 © The Aspinall Foundation Indonesia

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Offering salvation to vanishing species

Our Indonesia Team continues to provide a full rescue and rehabilitation programme for t hreatened primates that have fallen victim to the illegal pet trade, which continued unabated in 2021.

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The Endangered Javan Gibbon - a species at risk of extinction

The threats to wildlife and their delicate habitat continue to grow in Java as the human population encroaches on the remaining rainforest. The islands of Indonesia are a biodiversity hotspot and endemic species, such as the Javan gibbon, are losing...

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