The Aspinall Foundation


The Benefits of SMART Technology on Our Conservation Programme in Lésio-Louna

The Aspinall Foundation has worked in the Republic of Congo since 1987, and our main project, 'Projet Protection des Gorilles', has reintroduced Critically Endangered western lowland gorillas to an area where they had been hunted to extinction. Over...

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Community Support and Lemur Conservation in the Vohibe/Vohitrambo Rainforest Fragments of Madagascar

(Results of a six month project supported by the Lemur Conservation Action Fund which is managed by Global Wildlife Conservation)

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Reinforcement of the Endangered Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch) Population at Mt Tilu Nature Reserve, West Java

Often referred to as silvery gibbons because of their dense soft grey fur, moloch gibbons are unique to the Indonesian island of Java. With only an estimated 4,000-5,000 living in the wild the numbers continue to decrease, due to factors such as...

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Species spotlight: Clouded leopard

The stunningly beautiful clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) is an elusive wild cat.  Seldom seen in the tropical rainforests of their native central and southeast Asia, their behaviour in the wild remains a bit of a mystery.

Clouded leopard...

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The Fate of Madagascar's Rainforest Habitat

Aspinall Foundation conservationists contributed to a recent publication in the high impact journal "Nature Climate Change" entitled "The fate of Madagascar’s rainforest habitat". We provided 456 geo-referenced observations of black-and-white ruffed...

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28 of The Most Endangered Turtles in The World Found at Our Madagascar Sites

Thanks to funding from the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF), we were delighted at discovering the presence of the Critically Endangered Madagascan big-headed turtle earlier last year, targeted participatory surveys confirmed the presence...

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African Painted Dogs New Life

There has been so much in 2019 it is impossible to cover every aspect of the work you have helped to support. Perhaps the best way to end is with the news that seven African painted dogs bred at Port Lympne in Kent are now safely treading the soil...

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Our Year in South Africa 2019

2019 has seen an increase in our involvement with animal rescue. The most recent being the translocation of a young bull elephant, followed soon after by the rest of his herd, from the poorly run Blaauwbosch Private Game Reserve in South Africa...

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Our Year in Madagascar 2019

In addition to our work with lemurs across several protected sites in Madagascar some of our most exciting discoveries in 2019 have occurred at one of our newer projects - the wetlands of the AmbatoBoeny/ Maevatanana region. Thanks to funding from...

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Our Year in Java 2019

During 2019 our team in Java have continued the successful programme of rehabilitation and subsequent release of young primates caught up in the illegal pet trade. Over the past decade we have confiscated more than 200 langurs and gibbons and...

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