The Aspinall Foundation


Siamang Rehabilitation Centre Operational

We are delighted to announce our Siamang Rehabilitation Centre in South Sumatra is operational. A formal opening ceremony will take place in a few weeks but there are already five rescued siamang in residence, with two more awaiting transfer from...

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Field Update: South Africa - Nairo & Ava's cubs

Remember Nairo the much-loved Kent-born cheetah who was rewilded from Howletts Wild Animal Park? The four cubs that Nairo sired in his new life in the wild are thriving under the endless skies of South Africa's Great Karoo. In this update we...

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Love in the Jungle

As Shakespeare once said "the course of true love never did run smooth" and nowhere is that more true than in the animal kingdom. Over the years, our teams have witnessed many soap-opera-worthy moments among the rewilded animals at our conservation...

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Thank You to IUCN Save Our Species

From August 2020 until the end of December 2022, our Mt Tilu Javan Gibbon reintroduction project has received the welcome support of IUCN Save Our Species. A life of freedom for Goku, a released female gibbon at Mt Tilu NR © The Aspinall Foundation ...

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World-First Elephant Translocation Progresses

Progress continues on our world-first project to rewild Howletts’ cherished herd of 13 elephants from the UK to Kenya. Working closely with the Kenya Wildlife Service, comprehensive ecological assessments continue to be conducted at the chosen site...

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Harry: A New Chapter

In 2019, a daring rescue took place against the dramatic backdrop of the African bush. A magnificent bull elephant, weighing approximately five tonnes, had been pushed out of a herd on his home reserve in the Eastern Cape and was reported by...

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Tipping the Scales: Offering Hope for Pangolins Across South Africa

Our team has recently been working closely with partners to undertake vital conservation work with a fascinating new species: pangolins.

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Umbhali: An Inspiring Rescue Story

In April 2022, our partners at Love Lions Alive in South Africa wereinformed that a small, male lion cub was being held in awful conditionsat a farm close to the town of Warden.

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Field update: South Africa 2022/23

Partnership with Wild & Free Continues to Save and Successfully Rewild Animals Across Mpumalanga Province

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